In addition to all the work that we do ministries such as the Beans and Rice Pantry and our friends at Hidden Acres Assisted Living, the Outreach Committee also serves by organizing events to contribute to the following ministries:

Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD)

An international relief and development agency sponsored by the Episcopal Church that works to provide money and resources, both domestically and abroad. ERD also works to provide relief during natural disasters and other emergencies around the world.

Stop Hunger Now

Based in Raleigh, North Carolina, this organization works to relieve worldwide hunger by organizing meal-packaging programs in cities across the United States and abroad.

Habitat for Humanity

A global, nonprofit housing organization operated on Christian principles that seeks to put God’s love into action by building homes, communities, and hope. St. Catherine’s occasionally partners with Habitat for Humanity Greater Birmingham to assist for one or two days on a building project.

Diocesan Ministries

St. Catherine’s also contributes to outreach ministries that are sponsored by the Diocese of Alabama, such as Sawyerville Day Camp, a free summer camp and learning program for under-privileged children in Hale County, Alabama, and Camp McDowell’s Special Session, a summer camp program designed especially for people of all ages with mental and physical disabilities.